Saturday, June 30, 2007

Silver Mullet

Joey "The Shears" makes the cut.

What every girl dreams of....

Honorable Mention goes to Kill Shot Christi.

Sure, none of them have mullets now, but their children will.

The Most Dangerous Game

I've really appreciated all of your letters of concern, but no I haven't been the terminal victim of a brutal mullet backlash. But if I had be assured it would be well chronicled and marketed. 'When Mullets Attack' is already copyrighted by yours truly.

Anyhow, on to the gorey details!

Sporting goods stores have long been a favorite destination of the mulleted sports enthuiast. Any sport that allows the participant to drink or eat while engaging in the activity is fair game; golfing, camping, fishing, darts, bowling, boating, and of course competitive eating and drinking all fall into this category. I managed to snag a double kill earlier today at just such a habitat, telling the staff that I was taking pictures of golf clubs to show my Dad. As you can see from their physiques they are both avid athletes

Definatley a Class 1 Frolet. The camera unforunatley couldn't capture the bounce of this bountiful mullet in motion.

Then lo and behold as I waited in the checkout line stand before me a textbook duck-tail mullet. I pursued him out into the parking lot, trying hard not to ruffle his feathers.

Zen Mullet Koan #1: If a mullet grows where no one is there to see it, is it still unsightly?

Monday, June 4, 2007

It's da balm!

More hillbilly blood lust from Kill Shot Christi!

Mullet Hunting Proverb #1

A mullet in the hand is worth two in the bush.